
You can make a difference

 Your support enables us to continue preparing and delivering daily, hot nutritional meals to men, women, and children living right here in your community who struggle with HIV/AIDS-related illnesses and individuals who are under the care of Bluegrass Care Navigators (formerly Hospice Care of the Bluegrass).

Click the link below to make a secure online donation via Authorize.Net or become a recurring donor by joining our Kitchen Sink Brigade.  It is quick, simple and secure. Call us if you have any questions at +1 (859) 252-2867.


Corporations & Foundations

At Moveable Feast Lexington, Inc. we take pride in our service and commitment to delivering hope through nutrition and your support today will enable us to continue doing just that, prepare and deliver to the door daily, hot nutritional meals to men, women, and children living right here in your community who struggle with HIV/AIDS-related illnesses and individuals who are under the care of Bluegrass Care Navigators (formerly Hospice Care of the Bluegrass)

Please consider helping us with our mission by becoming a sponsor today.


Join The Kitchen Sink Brigade

Absolutely! I will take action today to help Moveable Feast Lexington feed someone tomorrow. I understand that I may discontinue my monthly pledge at any time by calling +1 (859) 252-2867 and that my donation is fully tax deductible.